Actually I am not satisfied with my artwork, many shortcomings, in terms of proportion, lighting etc.
but its ok, make it a lesson .. hehe
Caricature for my friends in junior high school Nuzulia & Zen / Semarang / Jawa Tengah / Indonesia.
My first caricature work with painting techniques, for wedding gift his parents.
Postcard untuk sahabat.
What do you thing abou it???
Still as usual ... trying to be better .... keep trying and never pessimistic ... (Although the results are bad) never mindhehe
The second painting project that I kerjain ... while learning while sharpening imagination hehehe
painting the first time that I make, yes ... although still the responsibility ... These works include the phenomenal to me ...
My room ... my paradise .. where I express themselves ... express themselves with a pencil ... my room ... everything for me ... My inspiration ... place to open my imagination dreams ...
Illustration of a fighting spirit that possessed a boy who proudly call themselves as GARUDA troops, the fighting spirit of persevering with their studies, virtuous, and never give up the dream come true.
Who do not have money, can not be higher school.Who had money could buy value / position at will .
Illustrations that I created this intentionally to criticism for the perpetrator or the community, and caring in law enforcement must be upheld, anyone who is guilty should be in court.
'The lost eyes' My first work of horror theme, still a mess ... hopefully I can be a good initial sense .. amin ...
'Killa Wolf' inspiration from the common wolf icon I used was the theme of violent, horror, even though they are bad, but still trying ...... hehe
'Soul Killa' is coloring my artwork is still standard and the color is old shcool hehe My friends say ... but its okay .. process
This artwork began from my friend's sketch.I got it,then i fixed that sketch and i coloured later. i've ever used this artwork as a valentine card.hohoo.because there was a girl who really loves,this is it.."trio macan" ohoho.
" the squad of jobagjumping" ( the cartoon character that made by my self inspired by a hero in java island), and illustrated on card media.
Just do not be a follower.
The skinny knight was born in TERRITORY of mangkunegaran palace, with BATIK PARANG mask of SOLO THE SPIRIT OF JAVA on his face and in his left arm covered by a white cloth that reflect the chastity and purenes of soul. The UKELMAS that have a power as big as CEMETI AMAL RASULI is cover his right arm, hahaha always bring a BABATNDAS sword that have a power as GOLOK PEMBUNUH NAGA hahaha again, a green short because he wanted to be an ARMY but it won't work, so a... so he make it himself, and with the CONVERSE shoes but BATIK PARANG brand.
The awaken fire for always keep fire and warm all the element below.
This sketch inspired by tatoomcity picture and the truth is... its my first time coloring, just a fad in my spare time at that time with waiting for my chicken noodle being delivered to my room at the same time, hahaha yah... for your enunciated is still awful hehe
the important is keep spirit in trying something... ^^
Inspiration "little umbrella girl" is a little girl who walk in the empty way besides the house, she want to buy something for her mother. Although rain is fall, she's still sincere help her moms.....hehe......good job girl.